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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AbstractPageSet A base implementation of the page set that holds the basic necessary information about the page set.Area An area containing several visual boxes.AreaConcatenator A concatenator that can convert a list of areas to a text string.AreaConnection A relation connection between two content rectangles.AreaConnectionProvider AreaCreator AreaGrid A grid of areas in an abstract parent rectangle.AreaListGridTopology A grid topology on a generic list of areas.AreaModelBuilder Implements an RDF graph construction from an area tree.AreaModelLoader This class implements creating a RDFAreaTree from the RDF models.AreaProcessor2 AreaStyle This class represents the complete style of an area for further comparison.AreaTextChunksSource A text chunks source that extracts the tagged chunks only.AreaTopology This is an abstraction of a topology that represents the mutual positions of areas in an abstract space (e.g. in a parent area).AreaTree A tree of visual areas created from a box tree.AreaTreeInfo AreaTreeOperator A generic procedure that processes the area tree.AreaUtils General purpose area analysis functions.ArgumentTokenizer Utility class which can tokenize a String into a list of String arguments, with behavior similar to parsing command line arguments to a program.Artifact An artifact created during the page processing.ArtifactInfo Basic information about an artifact that can be obtained from a repository without actually loading the whole artifact.ArtifactRepository A repository of available artifacts we are working with.ArtifactService A service that creates an artifact from another artifact.ArtifactStreamOutput Utility functions for dumping artifacts to an output stream in different formats.Attribute AverageColor BaseArtifact A common base class for artifact implementations.BaseArtifactService A base implementation of an artifact service.BaseBoxTreeBuilder This class implements building the box tree using the default FitLayout box nesting algorithms.BaseOperator A common base for our area operators.BaseParameter A common base of parameter specifications.BaseParametrizedOperation BaseService A base implementation of a service.BaseTagger A base implementation of a tagger with no parametres.BasicSegmProvider An artifact service provider for transforming the box tree to the area tree.Batch BCSProvider Border A structure that describes a box border properties.Border.Side Border side specificationBorder.Style Border line styleBorderStroke Stroke for drawing the CSS borders.Box This class represents a box in the rendered page tree.BOX Box Model Ontology.Box.DisplayType CSS Display TypeBox.Type The type of the box.BoxConcatenator A concatenator that can convert a list of boxes to a text string.BoxImpl BoxImpl A standard box implementation extended by additional properties necessary for building the resulting tree correctly.BoxInfo BoxList A list of FitLayout boxes created from the backend output.BoxListRenderer A CSSBox renderer that produces a list of boxes.BoxModelBuilder Implements an RDF graph construction from a page box model.BoxModelLoader This class implements creating a RDFPage from the RDF models.BoxNode A node of a tree of visual blocks.BoxText A parto of text with connection to source boxesBoxTransform A transformation applied to a box according to the "transform" CSS property.BoxTreeBuilder Clear Cli CliCommand CollapseAreasOperator This operator collapses the areas having only one (leaf) child.Color An RGBA color.CombinedTagger A tagger that combines multiple taggers together (in the order of their preference).Concatenator<T> A concatenator that can convert a list of elements to a text string.Concatenators Pre-defined common concatenators for joining sequences of boxes and areas.Concatenators.PlainAreaConcatenator An area concatenator that simply concatenates the area text contents without any separators.Concatenators.PlainBoxConcatenator A box concatenator that simply concatenates the box text without any separators.Concatenators.SeparatedAreaConcatenator An area concatenator that concatenates the area text using a given separator.Concatenators.SeparatedBoxConcatenator A box concatenator that concatenates the box text using a given separator.Config Segmenation algorithm configuration.Connection<T> A generic connection between two objects with a given relation and a weight.ConnectionSetArtifactService ConnectionSetModelBuilder ConnectionSetModelLoader ContentImage An image used as the box content.ContentImageImpl ContentLine A sequence of areas representing the contents of a text line.ContentObject An object that may be contained in a Box.ContentRect A generic rectangular content within a page.CSSBorder CSSBoxTreeBuilder This class implements building the box tree using the CSSBox rendering engine.CSSBoxTreeProvider A box tree provider implementation based on CSSBoxCSSTextStyle Text style obtained from a CSS style definition.ChunksCache A cache of already created chunks depending on tags and hints.ChunkSet A set of text chunks extracted from a page.ChunkSetInfo ChunkSetModelBuilder ChunkSetModelLoader ChunksSource An abstract base of a source of text chunks.DateTagger DefaultArea Default generic Area implementation.DefaultAreaTree Default Page implementation.DefaultArtifactRepository Default simple in-memory implementation of an ArtifactRepository.DefaultBox Default generic box implementation.DefaultContentImage DefaultContentLine A default ContentLine implementation using a simple ArrayList.DefaultContentRect A default ContentRect implementation which is not used in a tree.DefaultGridTopology The default topology that creates a grid of child areas within a parent area.DefaultHint A default no-op presentation hint.DefaultChunkSet A default chunk set implementation.DefaultIRIDecoder A default implementation of IRI decoder.DefaultIRIFactory A default FitLayout IRI factory.DefaultLogicalArea Default LogicalArea implementation.DefaultLogicalAreaTree Default implementation of the logical area tree.DefaultPage Default generic page implementation.DefaultRelation A default simple implementation of a relation.DefaultTag A default simple tag implementation.DefaultTextChunk A default text chunk implementation.DefaultTreeContentRect<T extends GenericTreeNode<T>> A default ContentRect implementation that is a tree node at the same time.DefaultTreeNode<T extends GenericTreeNode<T>> A generic tree node used as a base for the Box and Area implementation.Dump Dump.Format Example An example ocurrence of a property surface form conneted to a subject and predicate.ExampleMatcher Matches the generated examples as defined.Export Export.Format FindLineOperator Detects the basic lines in the area tree and joins the appropriate areas so that a line is the smallest visual area.FixedTaggerConfig A tagger config implementation based on a fixed map.FL FitLayout Core Ontology.FlattenTreeOperator This operator flattens the tree: only the root area and the leaf areas are preserved.FLBoxTree FLConfig FitLayout configuration utilities.GenericTreeNode<T extends GenericTreeNode<T>> A generic tree node interface.GraphicalOutput A graphical output that allows to draws the blocks and separators into an image.Graphics2DDisplay An output display implementation that shows the areas on a Graphics2D device.GroupAnalyzer A general analyzer to find area groupsGroupAnalyzerByDOM A group analyzer that groups together the areas that are created by the same DOM element.GroupAnalyzerByStyles This group analyzer tries to expand the selected box to all directions stopping on whitespace separators.GroupByDOMOperator Creates groups of areas that share the same source DOM node.HintForceResolved This hint forces the chunk source to accept only the chunk tags that are assigned by a given resolver.HintInLine This hint causes considering multiple subsequent lines to be treated as a single chunk source area.HintMultiBox This hint has the same meaning asHintWholeBox
but it also considers multiple subsequent boxes.HintSeparator This hint tries to improve the recall of the tag occurrence discovery by applying some regular separators.HintWholeBox A hint that forces using the whole source box for the corresponding chunk even if only part of the box was detected as the chunk.HomogeneousLeafOperator This operator joins the homogeneous-style leaf nodes to larger artificial areas.HTMLOutputOperator This operator serializes the area tree to an HTML file.ImageInfo ImageOutput ImageOutputDisplay Import InputFile IntegerTagger Invoke A command-line interface to a generic artifact service invocation.IRIDecoder An IRI encoder / decoder.IRIFactory ListArtifacts LoadArtifact LocationsTagger NER-based location name area tagger.LogicalArea Logical area represents a set of areas that form a single semantic entity.LogicalAreaModelBuilder TODO check the belongsTo relations and the assignment ot the LogicalAreaTree artifactLogicalAreaModelLoader LogicalAreaTree A tree of logical areas.MAPPING Visual area to entity mapping ontology.Metadata A generic metadata definition.MetadataDef A generic metadata definition.MetadataExampleGenerator Implements extracting ocurrence examples from metadata.MetadataExtractor Functions for extracting RDF metadata from source objects.MetadataChunksExtractor MetadataTagManager Creates and reads the metadata mapping tags in the given context (subgraph).MetadataTextChunksProvider MetaRefTag A tag that describes the reference to a metadata entry.ModelBuilder A builder that can transform an artifact to a RDF model.ModelBuilderBase Common model builder methods.ModelLoader A loader that can load an artifact instance from a storage.ModelLoaderBase Model loader base.ModelLoaderBase.RDFTextStyle ModelTransformer A base class for all model creators and loaders.MultiLineOperator Detects sequences of aligned lines and joins them to a single area.NERTagger OperatorApplicationProvider An artifact provider that consumes an area tree, applies a list of operators and produces a new area tree.OperatorWrapperProvider An area tree provider that wraps a single area tree operator.OutputDisplay An abstraction of the graphical display of the segmentation output.Page This class represents the whole rendered (and segmented) page.PageArea PageAreaRelation PageBoxTreeBuilder A simple box tree builder that takes another page as its input, re-builds the box tree according to the parametres and returns a new page.PageImpl PageImpl PageImpl PageInfo PageInfo Class extends the artifact info by page-specific properties.PageSet A named set of pages processed together.Parameter A parameter of a parametrized operation.ParameterBoolean ParameterFloat ParameterInt ParameterString ParametrizedOperation An implementation of an operation with external parametres of different types.Pattern PatternElement PDFBoxTreeBuilder PDFBoxTreeProvider PersonsTagger NER-based personal name area tagger.PresentationBasedChunksSource A chunk source that follows some presentation patterns in order to improve the chunk extraction.PresentationHint A hint that influences the chunk extraction in different points of the chunk extraction phases as defined by thePresentationBasedChunksSource
.PuppeteerTreeProvider Query RDFArea RDFAreaTree RDFArtifact A RDF representation of an artifact.RDFArtifactInfo Information about an artifact obtained from a RDF model.RDFArtifactRepository Implementation of an ArtifactRepository on top of an RDFStorage.RDFBox RDFContentImage ContentImage implementation for the RDF model.RDFContentObject Generic ContentObject implementation.RDFChunkSet RDFIRIDecoder An IRI decoder that adds the 'r' prefix for RDF resources.RDFLogicalArea RDFOrderedResource A RDF resource that can be ordered.RDFPage RDFResource A RDF resource with an URI.RDFStorage This class provides an abstraction of an RDF repository and implements the common low-level operations.RDFTaggerConfig A tagger config implementation that uses a ServiceManager and the configured RDF repository as the source of the tagger configuration.RDFTextChunk Rect A generic rectangle with certain position, width and height.Rectangular This class represents a general rectangular area.RectangularZ Zoomed rectangular.RegexpTagger Relation A basic relation interface.RelationAnalyzer RelationAnalyzerSymmetric A relation analyzer that includes both the normal and inverse relations where applicable.Relations Renderer A command-line interface to page rendering.Renderer.Backend RESOURCE FitLayout resource IRI.ScriptObject An object that should be made available in the JavaScript engine.SearchableAreaContainer A basic container of areas with the possibility of searching the areas.SEGM Visual Area Ontology.SegmentationAreaTree A tree of visual areas created from a box tree.Segmentator A command-line interface to page segmentation.Segmentator.Method Separator Separator A detected visual separator.SeparatorDetector A base separator detector implementation.Separators Implementation of the operations with separators.SeparatorSet A generic set of horizontal and vertical separators for a page.SeparatorSetHVS A horizntal/vertical separator detection with shrinking.Serialization Service A generic service with its ID, name and description.ServiceConfig A service configuration containing a service ID and parameter values.ServiceException An exception that may occur during the service invocation or processing.ServiceManager This class provides access to registered services.SimplePattern SimpleTagResolver A simple implementation of a tag resolver that only uses the tags assigned to the source area.SortByLinesOperator SortByPositionOperator SourceBoxList A list of source boxes with additional properties for creating the chunks.SparqlQueryResult A result of a generic SPARQL query that holds the result value(s) depending on the query type.SparqlQueryResult.Type StopWatch StorageException A generic exception that us used to wrap the exceptions thrown by the underlying storage (rdf4j).StoreArtifact StreamConsumer A generic thread that consumes an output stream of the backend.SuperAreaOperator Detects the larger visual areas and creates the artificial area nodes.Tag A tag that can be assigned to an area.TagByExamplesOperator Tags the areas that correspond to the occurrences of examples obtained from page metadata by the corresponding tags.TagEntitiesOperator Taggable An object that can be assigned tags.TaggedChunksSource An area list source that creates text chunks by extracting tagged chunks from leaf areas.Tagger A generic tagger that is able to assign tags to areas.TaggerConfig A tagger configuration and their assignment for tags.TagOccurrence An occurrence of a taggable substring in a text string.TagResolver A resolver that is able to assign a set of tags to an area.TextFlowConcatenator A concatenator that considers the changes in the text flow when deciding whether to serarate to contents by spaces or not.TextFlowConcatenator.TextFlowBoxConcatenator TextChunk An rectangular area representing a text chunk.TextChunkConnectionProvider TextChunksProvider TextStyle This class represent the statistics about text style of a content rectangle.TextUtils TimeTagger This tagger tags the areas that contain some time expressions.TreeOp Implementation of basic area and tree opeations used by the operators.TreeTagger This class implements the area tree tagging.Units Units UseRepository Utils Vips The VIPS algorithm implementation.VipsProvider VipsTreeBuilder A resulting tree produced by VIPS.VisualArea A class that represents a visual area in the resulting constructed visual structure.VisualBlock An extracted visual block in the page.VisualBlockDetector Detects the visual blocks in the page.VisualBoxTreeProvider An artifact provider that creates a visual box tree from another box tree.VisualStructureConstructor Constructs the final visual structure of page.XMLBoxOutput Dumps a box tree into a XML fileXMLOutputOperator This operator serializes the area tree to an XML file.