Interface SearchableAreaContainer

    • Method Detail

      • getAreaAt

        Area getAreaAt​(int x,
                       int y)
        Finds the bottom-most area node present at the given coordinates in the area tree.
        x - the X coordinate
        y - the Y coordinate
        the area node present at the given coordinates or null when no node is found.
      • getAreasAt

        List<Area> getAreasAt​(int x,
                              int y)
        Finds all the area nodes present at the given coordinates in the area tree.
        x - the X coordinate
        y - the Y coordinate
        a list of the area nodes present at the given coordinates ordered from the topmost to the bottommost one.
      • getAreaByName

        Area getAreaByName​(String name)
        Finds an area by the given name.
        name - the name of the area
        the area with the given name or null when nothing is found.