Interface Taggable

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addTag​(Tag tag, float support)
      Adds a tag to this area.
      Tag getMostSupportedTag()
      Obtains the tag with the greatest support that is assigned to this area.
      Set<Tag> getSupportedTags​(float minSupport)
      Obtains all the tags with the support greater or equal to the specified value.
      Map<Tag,​Float> getTags()
      Obtains the list of tags assigned to this area and their support.
      float getTagSupport​(Tag tag)
      Obtains the support of the given tag assignment
      boolean hasTag​(Tag tag)
      Tests whether the area has this tag.
      boolean hasTag​(Tag tag, float minSupport)
      Tests whether the area has this tag with a support greater or equal to the specified value.
      void removeTag​(Tag tag)
      Removes the given tag from the area.
    • Method Detail

      • getTags

        Map<Tag,​Float> getTags()
        Obtains the list of tags assigned to this area and their support.
        the map of tags and their support (possibly empty)
      • addTag

        void addTag​(Tag tag,
                    float support)
        Adds a tag to this area. If the tag is already assigned to the area, the greater of the original and new support will be used.
        tag - The tag to be added.
        support - The assigned tag support from 0.0 to 1.0
      • removeTag

        void removeTag​(Tag tag)
        Removes the given tag from the area.
        tag - the tag to be removed
      • hasTag

        boolean hasTag​(Tag tag)
        Tests whether the area has this tag.
        tag - the tag to be tested.
        true if the area has this tag
      • hasTag

        boolean hasTag​(Tag tag,
                       float minSupport)
        Tests whether the area has this tag with a support greater or equal to the specified value.
        tag - the tag to be tested
        minSupport - minimal required support
        true if the area has this tag
      • getSupportedTags

        Set<Tag> getSupportedTags​(float minSupport)
        Obtains all the tags with the support greater or equal to the specified value.
        minSupport - minimal required support
        a set of tags with at least the minimal support (possibly empty)
      • getTagSupport

        float getTagSupport​(Tag tag)
        Obtains the support of the given tag assignment
        tag - The tag to be tested
        The support of the given tag in the range 0.0 to 1.0. Returns 0.0 when the tag is not assigned to this area.
      • getMostSupportedTag

        Tag getMostSupportedTag()
        Obtains the tag with the greatest support that is assigned to this area.
        The tag with the greatest support or null if there are no tags assigned to this area