Class TextFlowConcatenator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AreaConcatenator, Concatenator<Area>

    public class TextFlowConcatenator
    extends Object
    implements AreaConcatenator
    A concatenator that considers the changes in the text flow when deciding whether to serarate to contents by spaces or not. Basically, in-flow elements should not be separated, block elements and new lines should be separated.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TextFlowConcatenator

        public TextFlowConcatenator()
    • Method Detail

      • concat

        public String concat​(List<Area> elems)
        Description copied from interface: Concatenator
        Creates a text string by concatenating the contents of the given elements.
        Specified by:
        concat in interface Concatenator<Area>
        elems - The list of elements to concatenate.
        Resulting text string.