Class SeparatorSetHVS

  • public class SeparatorSetHVS
    extends SeparatorSet
    A horizntal/vertical separator detection with shrinking. The separator set is created by splitting the horizontal and vertical separators independently. Additionally, we shring the vertical separators to the minimal length that separates the boxes - i.e. there is no separator considered between empty spaces.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SeparatorSetHVS

        public SeparatorSetHVS​(Area root)
        Creates a new separator set with one horizontal and one vertical separator.
      • SeparatorSetHVS

        public SeparatorSetHVS​(Area root,
                               Area filter)
        Creates a new separator set with one horizontal and one vertical separator.
    • Method Detail

      • findSeparators

        protected void findSeparators​(Area area,
                                      Area filter)
        Finds the horizontal and vertical list of separators
        Specified by:
        findSeparators in class SeparatorSet
        area - the root area
        filter - if not null, only the sub areas enclosed in the filter area are considered