Interface ContentRect

    • Field Detail

      • ATTR_SAME_AS

        static final String ATTR_SAME_AS
        A node attribute that links to an equivalent node (e.g. produced by copying a node to another tree).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        int getId()
        Obtains a unique ID of the area within the page.
        the area ID
      • getPageIri

        org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI getPageIri()
        Obtains the IRI of the page this block belongs to.
        the page IRI
      • getBounds

        Rectangular getBounds()
        Obtains the pixel position within in the page.
        The rectangular pixel position.
      • setBounds

        void setBounds​(Rectangular bounds)
        Sets the pixel position within the page.
        bounds - the new position
      • getBackgroundColor

        Color getBackgroundColor()
        Obtains the background color of the area.
        A color or null for transparent background
      • getBackgroundImagePng

        byte[] getBackgroundImagePng()
        Gets the PNG image data of the background image if present. The image should have the same size as the content bounds.
        the image data or null if no image is present in the background
      • hasBackground

        boolean hasBackground()
        Checks whether the box has a background color or image.
        true when the box has a defined background color or image
      • getTextStyle

        TextStyle getTextStyle()
        Gets the text style statistics of the content.
        the text style statistics
      • getLine

        ContentLine getLine()
        Returns the content line the area belongs to.
        The content line or null when the area does not belong to any line
      • setLine

        void setLine​(ContentLine line)
        Assigns the content line to the area.
        line - the content line to be assigned.
      • getBorderCount

        int getBorderCount()
        Obtains the number of defined borders for the box.
        the number of defined borders (0..4)
      • hasTopBorder

        boolean hasTopBorder()
        Checks whether the box has the top border defined.
        true if the box has a top border
      • getTopBorder

        int getTopBorder()
        Obtains the top border width.
        the width of the border or 0 when there is no border
      • hasBottomBorder

        boolean hasBottomBorder()
        Checks whether the box has the bottom border defined.
        true if the box has a bottom border
      • getBottomBorder

        int getBottomBorder()
        Obtains the bottom border width.
        the width of the border or 0 when there is no border
      • hasLeftBorder

        boolean hasLeftBorder()
        Checks whether the box has the left border defined.
        true if the box has a left border
      • getLeftBorder

        int getLeftBorder()
        Obtains the left border width.
        the width of the border or 0 when there is no border
      • hasRightBorder

        boolean hasRightBorder()
        Checks whether the box has right top border defined.
        true if the box has a right border
      • getRightBorder

        int getRightBorder()
        Obtains the right border width.
        the width of the border or 0 when there is no border
      • getBorderStyle

        Border getBorderStyle​(Border.Side side)
        Obtains the properties of the box border at the given side.
        side - the border side.
        the corresponding border properties.
      • isBackgroundSeparated

        boolean isBackgroundSeparated()
        Checks whether the box is separated by background, i.e. its background color is not transparent and it is different from the ancestor background.
        true for background-separated boxes
      • setBackgroundSeparated

        void setBackgroundSeparated​(boolean backgroundSeparated)
        Sets whether the box is separated by background. This is typically determined and set during the box tree construction.
        backgroundSeparated -
      • addUserAttribute

        void addUserAttribute​(String name,
                              Object value)
        Sets a user-defined attribute for the tree node. This allows to assign multiple attributes identified by their names.
        name - the attribute name
        value - the attribute value
      • getUserAttribute

        <P> P getUserAttribute​(String name,
                               Class<P> clazz)
        Obtains the user-defined attribute value assigned to the node.
        name - the attribute name
        clazz - the class of the required attribute
        an object of the given class representing the value of the attribute (application-specific) or null when no such attribute is present.