Interface LogicalArea

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    DefaultLogicalArea, RDFLogicalArea

    public interface LogicalArea
    extends GenericTreeNode<LogicalArea>
    Logical area represents a set of areas that form a single semantic entity. Logical areas are organized in a tree where the parent-child relationships have some semantic meaning instead of representing the actual layout.
    • Method Detail

      • addArea

        void addArea​(Area a)
      • getFirstArea

        Area getFirstArea()
      • getAreaCount

        int getAreaCount()
      • setText

        void setText​(String text)
      • setMainTag

        void setMainTag​(Tag tag)
      • getMainTag

        Tag getMainTag()
      • findArea

        LogicalArea findArea​(Area area)
        Scans a logical area subtree rooted in this logical area for the given area.
        area - the layout area to search for
        the deepest logical area that contains the given area or null when the given area is not present in the given subtree