Class SegmentationAreaTree

    • Constructor Detail

      • SegmentationAreaTree

        public SegmentationAreaTree​(Page srcPage,
                                    boolean preserveAuxAreas)
        Create a new tree of areas by the analysis of a box tree
        srcPage - the source box tree
        preserveAuxAreas - preserve the auxiliary areas that are not visually separated but they are used as containers containing other ares.
    • Method Detail

      • findBasicAreas

        public Area findBasicAreas()
        Creates the area tree skeleton - selects the visible boxes and converts them to areas
      • createGrids

        protected void createGrids​(Area root)
        Goes through all the areas in the tree and creates the grids in these areas
        root - the root node of the tree of areas
      • isVisuallySeparated

        protected boolean isVisuallySeparated​(Box box)
      • getUsedTags

        public Set<Tag> getUsedTags()
        Obtains all the tags that are really used in the tree.
        A set of used tags.