Class ArgumentTokenizer

  • public abstract class ArgumentTokenizer
    extends Object
    Utility class which can tokenize a String into a list of String arguments, with behavior similar to parsing command line arguments to a program. Quoted Strings are treated as single arguments, and escaped characters are translated so that the tokenized arguments have the same meaning. Since all methods are static, the class is declared abstract to prevent instantiation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArgumentTokenizer

        public ArgumentTokenizer()
    • Method Detail

      • tokenize

        public static List<String> tokenize​(String arguments)
        Tokenizes the given String into String tokens
        arguments - A String containing one or more command-line style arguments to be tokenized.
        A list of parsed and properly escaped arguments.
      • tokenize

        public static List<String> tokenize​(String arguments,
                                            boolean stringify)
        Tokenizes the given String into String tokens.
        arguments - A String containing one or more command-line style arguments to be tokenized.
        stringify - whether or not to include escape special characters
        A list of parsed and properly escaped arguments.
      • _escapeQuotesAndBackslashes

        protected static String _escapeQuotesAndBackslashes​(String s)
        Inserts backslashes before any occurrences of a backslash or quote in the given string. Also converts any special characters appropriately.