Area |
An area containing several visual boxes.
AreaTopology |
This is an abstraction of a topology that represents the mutual positions
of areas in an abstract space (e.g. in a parent area).
AreaTree |
A tree of visual areas created from a box tree.
Artifact |
An artifact created during the page processing.
Box |
This class represents a box in the rendered page tree.
ContentImage |
An image used as the box content.
ContentLine |
A sequence of areas representing the contents of a text line.
ContentObject |
An object that may be contained in a Box.
ContentRect |
A generic rectangular content within a page.
GenericTreeNode<T extends GenericTreeNode<T>> |
A generic tree node interface.
ChunkSet |
A set of text chunks extracted from a page.
LogicalArea |
Logical area represents a set of areas that form a single semantic entity.
LogicalAreaTree |
A tree of logical areas.
Metadata |
A generic metadata definition.
Page |
This class represents the whole rendered (and segmented) page.
Rect |
A generic rectangle with certain position, width and height.
Relation |
A basic relation interface.
SearchableAreaContainer |
A basic container of areas with the possibility of searching the areas.
Tag |
A tag that can be assigned to an area.
Taggable |
An object that can be assigned tags.
TextChunk |
An rectangular area representing a text chunk.