AreaModelBuilder |
Implements an RDF graph construction from an area tree.
AreaModelLoader |
This class implements creating a RDFAreaTree from the RDF models.
AreaTreeInfo |
BoxModelBuilder |
Implements an RDF graph construction from a page box model.
BoxModelLoader |
This class implements creating a RDFPage from the RDF models.
DefaultIRIFactory |
A default FitLayout IRI factory.
ChunkSetInfo |
ChunkSetModelBuilder |
ChunkSetModelLoader |
LogicalAreaModelBuilder |
TODO check the belongsTo relations and the assignment ot the LogicalAreaTree artifact
LogicalAreaModelLoader |
MetadataExtractor |
Functions for extracting RDF metadata from source objects.
ModelBuilderBase |
Common model builder methods.
ModelLoaderBase |
Model loader base.
ModelLoaderBase.RDFTextStyle |
ModelTransformer |
A base class for all model creators and loaders.
PageInfo |
Class extends the artifact info by page-specific properties.
RDFArtifactInfo |
Information about an artifact obtained from a RDF model.
RDFArtifactRepository |
Implementation of an ArtifactRepository on top of an RDFStorage.
RDFIRIDecoder |
An IRI decoder that adds the 'r' prefix for RDF resources.
RDFStorage |
This class provides an abstraction of an RDF repository and implements the common
low-level operations.
RDFTaggerConfig |
A tagger config implementation that uses a ServiceManager and the configured RDF
repository as the source of the tagger configuration.
Serialization |
SparqlQueryResult |
A result of a generic SPARQL query that holds the result value(s) depending
on the query type.