AbstractPageSet |
A base implementation of the page set that holds the basic necessary
information about the page set.
AreaGrid |
A grid of areas in an abstract parent rectangle.
AreaListGridTopology |
A grid topology on a generic list of areas.
BaseArtifact |
A common base class for artifact implementations.
BaseArtifactService |
A base implementation of an artifact service.
BaseBoxTreeBuilder |
This class implements building the box tree using the default FitLayout box nesting algorithms.
BaseOperator |
A common base for our area operators.
BaseParameter |
A common base of parameter specifications.
BaseParametrizedOperation |
BaseService |
A base implementation of a service.
DefaultArea |
Default generic Area implementation.
DefaultAreaTree |
Default Page implementation.
DefaultArtifactRepository |
Default simple in-memory implementation of an ArtifactRepository.
DefaultBox |
Default generic box implementation.
DefaultContentImage |
DefaultContentLine |
A default ContentLine implementation using a simple ArrayList.
DefaultContentRect |
A default ContentRect implementation which is not used in a tree.
DefaultGridTopology |
The default topology that creates a grid of child areas within a parent area.
DefaultChunkSet |
A default chunk set implementation.
DefaultIRIDecoder |
A default implementation of IRI decoder.
DefaultLogicalArea |
Default LogicalArea implementation.
DefaultLogicalAreaTree |
Default implementation of the logical area tree.
DefaultPage |
Default generic page implementation.
DefaultRelation |
A default simple implementation of a relation.
DefaultTag |
A default simple tag implementation.
DefaultTextChunk |
A default text chunk implementation.
DefaultTreeContentRect<T extends GenericTreeNode<T>> |
A default ContentRect implementation that is a tree node at the same time.
DefaultTreeNode<T extends GenericTreeNode<T>> |
A generic tree node used as a base for the Box and Area implementation.
PageBoxTreeBuilder |
A simple box tree builder that takes another page as its input, re-builds the box tree
according to the parametres and returns a new page.
ParameterBoolean |
ParameterFloat |
ParameterInt |
ParameterString |
SimpleTagResolver |
A simple implementation of a tag resolver that only uses the tags assigned to the source area.